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发布时间:2022年09月01日 16:01 来源:


姓 名: 王国东

性 别:男


职 称:教授


研究方向: 气体传感器、光电探测器及其应用


  1. 承担科研项目:

  2. 国家自然科学基金,基于In(Ga)As多层耦合表面量子点的丙酮气敏传感器研究,62173128, 57万,2022.01-2025.12,主持,在研

  3. 河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划21IRTSTHN01650万元,2021.01-2023.12,主持,在研

  4. 国家自然科学基金,双色及多色量子阱红外焦平面阵列中耦合光栅的优化,61040016,10万,2011.01-2011.12,主持;已结题

  5. 国家自然科学基金SP调制的底部光栅长波/甚长波双色QWIP研究,U130460830万,2014.01-2016.12,主持,已结题

  6. 河南省科技攻关计划项目(国际合作领域),基于InAs表面量子点的气敏传感器研究,182102410047,10万元,2018.01-2019.12,主持,已结题

  7. 永利402游戏网站杰出青年基金J2013-05.2013.01-2015.1210万元,主持,已结题

  8. 永利402游戏网站创新性科研团队T2015-03,表面等离子体器件与物理,2015.01-2017.1230万元,主持,已结题

  9. 国家自然科学基金60706008,新型高亮度1.3um InAsGaAs 量子点锥形激光器及其相应物理机制的探索,2008.01-2010.1221万,第二参与,已结题

  10. 发表文章

  11. Guodong Wang, Caixia Liu, Dongming Sun, Wenbin Guo, Weiyou Chen*, Improving the performance of fiber gratings with cladding being etched as hyperbolic function, OPTIK, 2006, Vol.117, 477-480

  12. Wang Guodong and Yang Yingli, Two kinds of tension in fiber Bragg gratings with cladding etched as the sinusoidal function, Optoelectronics Letters, 2010 Vol.6(1)0048-0050.

  13. Guodong Wang* and Beibei Xie, Improving the performance of chirped fiber grating with cladding being etched as sinusoidal function, OPTIK, 2011, Vol.122 557-559, SCI3区,

  14. Guodong Wang* and Yunjian Wang, New transfer matrix method for long period fiber gratings with coupled multiple cladding modes, Chinese Optics Letters, 2011 Vol.9(9): 090605,

  15. Guodong Wang*, Wang Yunjian, Na Li, Axial strain sensitivity analysis of long period fiber grating by new transfer matrix method, Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China,2011, Vol.4(4),430-433.

  16. Guo-dong Wang*, Yunjian Wang, Refractive index sensitivity analysis of long period fiber grating by new transfer matrix method, OPTIK, 2013, Vol.124, 1767-1769.

  17. 王国东,原璐璐,无线电能传输系统谐振线圈优化设计,工矿自动化,2014Vol.40(3):53-56.

  18. 王国东,倪璐,朱红伟,王塞丽,基于表面等离激元的长波QWIP光栅优化,应用光学,2014, Vol.35(5):785-788.

  19. 王国东,王塞丽,朱红伟,倪璐,乔振朋,THz QWP二维光栅耦合效率的理论分析研究,应用光学,2015, Vol.36(5):807-810.

  20. 王国东,乔振朋,王允建,王赛丽,原璐璐,倪璐,磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统中线圈谐振特性研究,电源学报,2015,Vol.13(2), 58-63.

  21. 王国东,原璐璐,王允建,磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统的四线圈模型研究,电源学报,2015Vol.13(1),101-106.

  22. 王国东,乔振朋,王赛丽,原璐璐,王允建, 磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输拓扑研究,工矿自动化,2015,Vol.41(5), 58-63.

  23. 王国东,乔振朋,王允建,王赛丽,磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输负载特性研究,电力电子技术,2015,Vol.49(10), 95-97.

  24. Bin Lu, Haitao Wang, Jun Shen, Liangping Xia, Weiguo Zhang, Guodong Wang*, Xiao-Yu, and Deqiang Wang*, A high exinction ratio THz polarizer fabricated by double-bilayer wire grid structure, AIP Advance, Vol.6,2016,025215.

  25. Guodong Wang, Baolai Liang*, Bor-Chau Juang, Aparna Das, Mukul C Debnath, Diana L. Huffaker, Yuriy I Mazur, Morgan E Ware and Gregory J Salamo, Comparative study of photoluminescence from In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs surface and buried quantum dots, Nanotechnology, 2016, Vol.27, 465701. SCI2区,IF:3.573, Top期刊.

  26. Mukul C. Debnath, Baolai Liang, Ramesh B. Laghumavarapu, Guodong Wang, Aparna Das, Bor-Chau Juang and Diana L. Huffaker, Optical properties of bimodally distributed InAs quantum dots grown on digital AlAs0.56Sb0.44 matrix for use in intermediate band solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017,121,214304.

  27. Guodong Wang*, Junling Shen, Xiaolian Liu, Lu Ni and Saili Wang, Optimization of top coupling grating for very long wavelength QWIP based on surface plasmon, Photonic Sensors, Vol.7(3),2017:278-282.

  28. Haitao Wang, Wanyi Xie, Yunjiao Wang, Jifeng Zhu, Mengwan Liu, Yunsheng Deng, Guodong Wang* and Deqiang Wang*, Fabrication of 3D nanovolcano-shaped nanopores with helium ion microscopy, Journal of Vacuum Science & Tecnology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 36,011603(2018).

  29. Guodong Wang*, Xiaolian Liu and Wei Wang*, Solution Processed Organic Transistor Nonvolatile Memory with a Floating-Gate of Carbon Nanotubes, IEEE Electron Device Letter, Vol.39(1),2018,111-114.

  30. Guodong Wang*, Huiqiang Ji, Junling Shen, Yonghao Xu, Xiaolian Liu and Ziyi Fu, Strong influence of temperature and Vacuum on the photoluminescence of InGaAs buried and surface quantum dots, Photonic Sensors, 2018, Vol.8(3),213-219.

  31. Guodong Wang*, Zengguang Liu, Junjun Wang, Yingli Yang, Xiaolian Liu, Xinran Zhang, Liwei Zhang Guohua Cao, Gas sensitivity of In0.3Ga0.7As surface QDs coupled to multilayer buried QDs, Photonic Sensors, 2020,Vol.10(3),283-290.

  32. Xinran Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Guodong Wang*, Yunyu Wang, Meng Liang, Teng Zhan, Junxi Wang, Jinmin Li, Zhiqiang Liu*, Xiaoyan Yi*, Near-ultraviolet chip-based phosphor-converted solar-spectrum white light-emitting diode, Optical Engineering, 2020, Vol.59(1), 015104.

  33. Shuozhang, Xinranzhang, Fang Ren, Yue Yin, Tao Feng, Wurui Song, Guodong Wang*, Meng Liang, Jianlong Xu, JIanwei Wang, Junxi Wang, Jinmin Li, Xiaoyan Yi*, Zhiqiang Liu*, High responsivity GaN nanowire UVA photodetector synthesized by hydride vapor phase epitaxy, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, Vol.128, 155705.

  34. Yang Yingli, Liu Zengguang, Wang Guodong*, Wang Ying, Yuan Qing, Fu Guangsheng, Photoluminescence study of the In0.3Ga0.7As surface quantum dots coupling structure, Optoelectronics Letters, 2021, Vol.15(5),0302-0307.

  35. 科研获奖与专利

  36. 王国东,张利伟,成凌飞,向阳等,微纳信息器件与系统,焦作市科技进步特等奖,2017.

  37. 王国东,张利伟,成凌飞,向阳等,光栅器件与物理,河南省教育厅科技成果二等奖,2017.

  38. 王国东,张利伟,刘小莲,朱红伟,孙俊岭,杨莹丽,一种小尺寸像元量子阱红外焦平面光敏元芯片,发明专利授权:ZL201510099725.5,2018.

  39. 王国东,王允建,李端,谢贝贝,杨莹丽,王素玲,一种底部耦合光栅量子阱红外焦平面光敏元芯片及其制备方法, 授权专利:ZL201110380 428.X,2013.

  40. 王国东,余发山,王允建,谢贝贝,艾永乐,一种表面温度均匀的电磁感应加热圆辊,发明专利授权:ZL201110296064.7,2013.



电子邮箱: wgd@hpu.edu.cn

联系电话: 13693912572


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